Arri­val Ber­lin office

How to find GDV

The GDV building is located directly on the corner of Leipziger Straße/Wilhelmstraße, nearby the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Embassy of the Czech Republic.

Quelle: Goo­gle-maps
Unfall­for­schung der Ver­si­che­rer (UDV)

Wil­helm­straße 43G, 10117 Ber­lin; Visi­tor ent­rance: Leip­zi­ger Straße 121

By plane

From Berlin Brandenburg BER Airport, take the FEX train (every 40 min.) from Terminal 1 to 2 to the station "Berlin-Gesundbrunnen". There, change to the S-Bahn (S1, S2, S25, S26 - direction: Wannsee, Blankenfelde or Teltow Stadt) and travel to station "Potsdamer Platz". From there it is about a six-minute walk to the GDV building: Wilhelmstraße / corner of Leipziger Straße. The GDV visitor entrance is located at Leipziger Straße 121.

Alternatively: From Berlin Brandenburg BER airport, take the S-Bahn S45 (every 20 min.) to Berlin "Südkreuz", from there change to the S-Bahn S25 in the direction of "Hennigsdorf" and get off at the station "Anhalter Bahnhof". This option is about 9 minutes walk (700 m) to the GDV building.

Tip: Depending on the time of day, it is worth taking a regional train from Terminal 1 to 2. This train stops at closer stations (such as "Alexanderplatz" or "Friedrichstraße"), which can shorten the journey time by about 10 minutes. For exact times and connections by public transport, please refer to the local notice board or use the Internet (e.g.: Google-Maps or sbahn.berlin).

By train

From Berlin Hauptbahnhof, take the S-Bahn (S3, S5, S7) to the station "Alexanderplatz". Change to the U2 subway in the direction of "Ruhleben" and get off at "Mohrenstraße" station. From there, it is about a three-minute walk to the GDV building on Wilhelmstraße / corner of Leipziger Straße. The GDV visitor entrance is located at Leipziger Straße 121.

Alternatively, you can take the U5 underground line in the direction of "Hönow" and get off after two stops at "Brandenburger Tor". After a six-minute walk you will reach the GDV building on the corner of Wilhelmstraße and Leipziger Straße.

Tip: Depending on the time of day, it is worth taking a regional train - from platforms 3 and 4 - which will take you to the "Potsdamer Platz" station within two minutes. From there, it is about a six-minute walk to the GDV building on Wilhelmstraße / corner of Leipziger Straße. For exact times, please refer to the local notice board or use the timetable information of the sbahn.berlin.

By car

Drive in the direction of the city center Leipziger Straße/corner Wilhelmstraße. Attention: There are only a few free parking spaces available! There is a paid parking lot (E-Werk) in the immediate vicinity on Wilhelmstraße.

Underground car park

Our underground parking garage, with visitor parking, is located on the first basement level (U1) of the GDV building. Prior reservation is required.


The entrance to the underground parking garage leaves from Mohrenstraße (cross street to Wilhelmstraße). Directly behind the Czech Embassy begins a dead-end road, at the end of which is the entrance to the garage. Our reception can be contacted via the bell/intercom system on the call column. The guest gives his name, the receptionists tell the guest his parking number and open the barrier. After entering, guests please keep to the right. There are signs for visitor parking in the middle area. Visitors should take exit 121, which you will find at the back of the parking garage on the left. The way there is signposted. You can reach the elevator through three yellow doors. You will find our reception staff on the first floor. The GDV conference center is located on the 4th floor.

Hotel reservation

Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH, Information and hotel reservation

Am Karlsbad 11
10785 Berlin
phone: +49 30 25002 333

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