Driver education
Dri­ver edu­ca­tion

Acci­dent risk and pre­ven­tive mea­su­res for young car dri‍vers

Young drivers continue to be the most at-risk group for accidents on German roads. Although a positive trend can be seen in recent years, further efforts must be made to increase the road safety of young drivers.

Young drivers are particularly at risk because they have little driving experience (novice risk) and are more willing to take risks than adults (youth risk).

The milage-based accident risk of young drivers has decreased considerably in the last 10 years. This is due to measures such as accompanied driving at 17, the ban on alcohol during the probationary period and for people under 21, and improvements in driving training and testing. However, young drivers still have the highest accident risk.

In the group of 21 to 24-year-old drivers, there has been a decrease in the number of accidents involving personal injury as well, but the milage-based accident risk has increased. This age group also has a higher share of drivers who are responsible for accidents with personal injury due to alcohol.

For this reason, the UDV proposes further measures to further reduce the accident risk of young drivers:

  • Extension of the probationary period from the current two to three years
  • Reduction of the probationary period by a maximum of twelve months in the case of voluntary participation in qualified measures (e.g. accompanied driving at the age of 17 or educational measures)
  • Accompanied driving also for drivers over 18 years of age
  • Extending the alcohol ban to 21- to 24-year-old drivers.
  • Continuous scientific development of driver training and novice driver preparation.

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